Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO 1: Prepare graduates to be effective leaders capable of navigating and shaping the future landscape of education, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

PEO 2: Equip graduates with advanced managerial skills and an entrepreneurial mindset to excel in diverse organizational settings.

PEO 3: Foster in graduates a commitment to lifelong learning, adaptability, and innovation in response to evolving challenges in their professional domains.

PEO 4: Cultivate ethical leadership qualities and a sense of social responsibility in graduates, enabling them to contribute positively to society along with Promote sustainability awareness and practices, encouraging graduates to implement sustainable solutions within their professional and personal lives to address environmental challenges.

Program Outcomes (POs)

PO 1: Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of fundamental principles and practices in education, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

PO 2: Apply critical thinking and analytical skills to solve complex problems in organizational contexts.

PO 3: Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with diverse stakeholders in professional environments.

PO 4: Exhibit leadership qualities such as teamwork, conflict resolution, and motivation to achieve organizational goals.

PO 5: Demonstrate proficiency in utilizing modern technologies and tools relevant to education, entrepreneurship, and leadership domains.

PO 6: Integrate ethical considerations and social responsibility into decision-making processes and professional practices.

PO 7: Demonstrate financial literacy and acumen in managing organizational resources.

PO 8: Engage in continuous learning and professional development to adapt to changing industry trends and advancements.

PO 9: Develop and implement innovative strategies to foster organizational growth and sustainability.

PO 10: Evaluate the impact of educational, entrepreneurial, and leadership initiatives on organizational performance and societal well-being.

Graduate Attributes

a. Knowledgeable: Graduates possess a deep understanding of their field of study, coupled with critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

b. Skillful: Graduates are equipped with the necessary skills and competencies to excel in their chosen professions, including communication, teamwork, and leadership.

c. Ethical: Graduates adhere to high ethical standards in their professional conduct, demonstrating integrity, honesty, and accountability.

d. Innovative: Graduates demonstrate creativity and innovation in approaching challenges, driving positive change and contributing to societal progress.

e. Socially Responsible: Graduates recognize their role in contributing to the welfare of society and actively engage in activities that promote social justice, equity, and sustainability.

f. Lifelong Learners: Graduates embrace lifelong learning and professional development, continuously updating their knowledge and skills to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving world.

g. Global Perspective: Graduates appreciate diversity and possess a global outlook, understanding the interconnectedness of nations and cultures in today's interconnected world.

h. Effective Communicators: Graduates communicate effectively in various contexts and formats, demonstrating clarity, empathy, and cultural sensitivity.

i. Adaptive: Graduates are adaptable and resilient, able to thrive in diverse environments and navigate change with confidence.

j. Leadership: Graduates exhibit leadership qualities, including vision, empathy, and the ability to inspire and motivate others towards common goals.